Term 4, Week 4.

Hi, this is my first blog for term four. In class lately I have done poetry and learns about Mondrian art and the Manawatu Estuary. I have created a google drawing showing features of a estuary. I have also learned about Mondrian Art. It is with three colours and uses black lines. The Mondrian Art is a famous old painting with red, yellow, blue, grey and black. The art work was brought to lots of auctions and it was worth about 51,000,000 USD.

Art project.

Lately our class has been painting multi coloured circles and painting different colouring sheets based on this famous Russian artist called Kandinsky. His art has a bunch of colours and shapes/patterns in his art. His art is worth millions of dollars. We learned this so our painting skills can get better by painting straight lines and painting in the lines and stuff. 

Hat design.

Lately our class has been designing hats (not actual hats just a hat on a piece of paper we draw designs on, It’s still fun to imagine your own hat design tho.) We pretty much do designs on them and display them on the wall. 

The art is really fun, I enjoyed drawing and colouring in. It wasn’t challenging at all.

Basic facts test.

I’ve been learning some divisions and stuff to improve my score and it did. I did it so I can be smart and the teacher told us to. Usually each year in the basic facts test I get an 18  but now I got 28. So I improved by 10 yippee.

I enjoyed it because I improved a lot in it and I feel proud plus I like doing maths tests. I found it challenging to do the test with a TIMER jeez. If I did this activity again I would try to answer more of the questions.


What would you do with a timer test to do well? Comment down below.

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